75% Alcohol Antibacterial Gel Hand Sanitizer

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75% Alcohol Portable Antibacterial Gel Hand Sanitizers

Antimicrobial protectants you and your family can trust, Kills 99.9% of bacteria (bacteria encountered in the home environment). Use it in the office, home, car, school or other places where you need to clean your hands quickly. Each bottle container includes a convenient flip cap to protect your personal belongings from leaks, spills or drops.

Throw them into purses, backpacks, briefcases, beach bags, and always keep your hands clean. Use it in the office, home, car, school or other places where you need to clean your hands quickly.

Gentle, non-irritating hand washing formula is gentle on the skin, guaranteed, does not hurt the skin, and has the function of water retention and moisture retention. Loved by your family and safe for babies.

Visszaküldési szabályzat
14 napon belül visszavesszük a nem viselt, nem mosott és sérülésmentes termékeket. Az eredeti címkének ragasztva kell lennie. Sajnos az ajándékcsomagolást nem tudjuk visszavenni. Az akciós termékeket nem lehet visszaküldeni.
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Ingyenes szállítás € 75 ,- feletti rendeléseknél.